Planet Antares scam alert blog on tips & advice on various vending scams for entrepreneurs and operators.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Advantages of a Glass Front Vending Machine

Glass front vending machines like those that are provided by Planet Antares Inc. have greater benefits than enclosed vending machines. This is simply because of the fact that the snacks and beverages in the glass front vending machines are visible. Vending machine purchases are impulse buys. In other words people buy from vending machines because they see the products in the vending machine and they are enticed to buy them.

Vending machines do well when they are placed in the right location. A vending machine has to be visible from all angles in a location; otherwise the number of sales will be less than what it should be. In order for a location to work well with a glass front vending machine, the traffic in the location has to be high. This is because the more people see the vending machines, the higher the sales will be. They will be compelled to buy from the vending machine because they can see what they are buying. Access ways, shopping malls and waiting areas will make good locations for glass front Planet Antares vending machines. As soon as you place your vending machines in these locations, they will straight away start making money for you.

The Planet Antares vending machine is designed with state of the art engineering and quality workmanship and at the same time it allows for the most beneficial combination of snacks and beverages. You can have cold sodas, fruit juices, sport drinks, chips, cookies and more in the vending machine. The possibilities abound with these Planet Antares vending machines.

Glass front vending machines, allow customers to see what they are buying. They don’t have to wonder about what product is in the vending machine. They can see it for themselves. This gives the customer a wider selection to choose from.

When you place a galas front vending machines in a location, the products will be visible from even a long distance. If you place branded products at the front of the vending machine, they will be easily recognized from a long distance. This will compel the customer to buy from the vending machine.

With a glass front vending machine, make sure that you have the right products in the vending machine, particularly at the front of the vending machines. This is because this will be first visible part of the vending machine. This means that the products have to be eye catching. When your vending machine attracts customers, it translates into sales.


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