Planet Antares scam alert blog on tips & advice on various vending scams for entrepreneurs and operators.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Planet Antares Introduces Location Based Data Transmission

Your Planet Antares vending machines may have a data capture device but it is the nature and needs of the location that will decide the method of transmission to be used.

The profitability of transient locations with fluctuating sales and locations involving long travel times can be increased through online data delivery. Business and Industry locations with stable and predictable work forces can function with affordable handheld data delivery. Wireless transmission may be indicated if these locations work occassional second shifts or weekends, with a fluctuating work force.

No matter what the method of transmission, the system has benefits like the ability to capture and report the volume of sales, by individual brands, in each Planet Antares vending machine, without any need for the route operator to manually count the product placements by brand.
With such information of brand preference data for your Planet Antares operations, you can perform the same function that a merchandiser manager performs at a supermarket. This implies removal of products that the location has deemed to be low performing products and have them replaced with test products that the location might want.

Planet Antares vending machines can allocate double or triple columns to the top selling brands in order to induce uniform rates for products being sold. This will get you higher sales and longer intervals between servicing of the accounts. As a result, more money will be collected in the cash box for the cost of each service.

With such a transmission system, unnecessary double trips to each machine would be eliminated. Moreover, the driver will not have to enter anything into his handheld if the predicted order proves to be accurate.

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