A Vending business, high profit business, can be started for less than $50. One can start earning cash from the very first day. One can have a little additional income, part-time income, or full-time business income. One may think to own huge cola or snack vending machines, or small vending machines. But these days small vending machines are in fact more common. One can have machines of Soda, Snacks, Amusement, Bulk Candy, Beverage, Pay Phones, Gumball, packed Foods, Phone Cards, Office Coffee Service, Personal Products, and many more. Small vending machines can open more opportunities due to their size and they can be placed in many more places than a large vending machine like Grocery store, Specialty shops, Discount stores, Convenience stores, Department stores, Barber or Beauty shops, Indoor swap meets/flea markets, Doctor or dentist offices, Pharmacies, Government buildings or the local social services office.